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How to Easily Make Excellent Coffee at Home 

Mocha Coffee

Mocha pots are very popular. They are easy to use and you can make really good coffee with them, giving you the best substitute for espresso. Finely ground coffee a little coarser than semi-coarse flour is used. Pour cold water into the lower part of the pot up to the piston located on the side. Fill the sieve with coffee, put do not press it down, screw the pot shut and heat it on a low flame. After extraction starts, open the pot’s lid. This is so that condensed water on the lid does not go back into the coffee. As soon as the top pot is full of coffee, take it off the boiler and serve.

We recommend trying the following for this form of preparation: El Salvador Santa Barbara Honey, Cuba Serrano Superior, Ethiopia Kaffa, Columbia Excelso, Nicaragua SHG EP Momotombo, Panama SHB Kotova, Papua New Guinea Plantation A HOAC, India Plantation AA, Costa Rica caffeine-free, Bio Peru Echarati, Guatemala Antigua, Uganda Bugisu AA, Brazil Brauna.  

French Press

Making coffee in a French press is one of the easiest ways. Tip in very coarsely ground coffee with a ratio of 60-70 grams to 1 litre of re-boiled water. The ground size should be the same as sand. Pour 10% of the volume of the water at a temperature of 93–94°C onto the coffee and wait for 30 seconds. Then pour on the rest of the water in circular movements and let it brew for 3.5 minutes. In the end push the sieve down to the bottom of the pot. This separates the coffee grounds. Serve the coffee immediately, do not let it stand in the French press.

We recommend trying the following for this form of preparation: El Salvador Santa Barbara Honey, Cuba Serrano Superior, Brazil Santos, Ethiopia Kaffa, Columbia Supremo, Nicaragua SHG EP Momotombo, Panama SHB Kotova, Papua New Guinea Plantation A HOAC, Ethiopia Yirgacheffe, India Plantation AA, Kenya AA Kangocho, Costa Rica Honey, Costa Rica caffeine-free, Bio Peru Echarati, Guatemala Maragogype, Guatemala Antigua, Uganda Bugisu AA, Brazil Brauna. 


You can easily make quality filtered coffee using a glass vessel similar to a chemical flask – a CHEMEX coffeemaker. Making coffee in a chemex coffeemaker is really very simple. First prepare a filter for the coffeemaker that stands out thanks to its thickness and helps make the best-tasting coffee. First fold the filter, put it in the coffeemaker and rinse it with hot water, then empty the water from the coffeemaker. Tip in course ground coffee whose ground size corresponds to that of semolina. The coffee dosage depends on the quantity of water, as well as on how strong you like your coffee. We recommend 42g of coffee for 600ml of water. Pour a smaller quantity of water onto the coffee (around 30ml) at a temperature of 93–94°C, so that it is pre-heated (starts to bubble slightly), wait for 30 seconds and then progressively pour on the rest of the hot water in a circular movement, so that the coffee is extracted evenly. The coffee should be filtered within three minutes. Throw the filter away and you can serve the coffee.

We recommend trying the following for this form of preparation: El Salvador Santa Barbara Honey, Cuba Serrano Superior, Brazil Santos, Columbia Supremo, Columbia Excelso, Panama SHB Kotova, Papua New Guinea Plantation A HOAC, Ethiopia Yirgacheffe, India Plantation AA, Kenya AA Kangocho, Costa Rica Honey, Costa Rica caffeine-free, Guatemala Maragogype, Guatemala Antigua, Uganda Bugisu AA, Brazil Brauna.

Coffee Dripper

To make coffee this way you need a porcelain coffee dripper and some paper filters. The procedure is very similar to that for coffee in a chemex coffeemaker or classic filter coffee. The size of the coffee grounds is the same as the size of semolina. The coffee dosage is approx. 30g per 450ml of water. First insert a paper filter into the dripper and rinse it with water. Then put the coffee dripper together with a cup or pot and pour in ground coffee. Pour a smaller quantity of water onto the coffee (around 30ml) at a temperature of 92–93°C, so that it is pre-heated (starts to bubble slightly), wait for 30 seconds and then progressively pour on the rest of the hot water. The extraction time should not exceed three minutes.

We recommend trying the following for this form of preparation: El Salvador Santa Barbara Honey, Brazil Santos, Columbia Supremo, Columbia Excelso, Nicaragua SHG EP Momotombo, Panama SHB Kotova, Papua New Guinea Plantation A HOAC, Ethiopia Yirgacheffe, India Plantation AA, Kenya AA Kangocho, Costa Rica Honey, Costa Rica caffeine-free, Bio Peru Echarati, Guatemala Maragogype, Guatemala Antigua, Uganda Bugisu AA, Brazil Brauna.

Caffé Espresso

Espresso is a fast method of preparation, where the maximum amount of taste and aromatic substances are extracted from the coffee. The result is a unique, strong and standout drink with a very individual taste, not only for its type, but also the roast degree.

Finely ground coffee, whose ground size is that of semi-coarse flour, is used to make espresso. Tip 7.2g of coffee into a portafilter. If you put more coffee in, it could happen that the espresso will not get through. If you put less coffee in it could, on the contrary, run very fast and the resulting coffee will be watery. Shake the loose coffee, so that it is evenly spread in the portafilter and push it down with a tamper. Before putting the portafilter into the coffee machine, always wipe the edge of the portafilter. Place the portafilter in the coffee machine and prepare the espresso. Water or hot steam has to run through the portafilter under a pressure of nine atmospheres at a temperature around 89-92°C. Genuine Italian espresso should be extracted for no more than 20-30 seconds and around 25-35ml of water should be used. The surface of the coffee has to be decorated with caramel-colour crema.

We recommend trying the following for this form of preparation: OXAPRESSO, OXAPRESSO Mild, Cuba Serrano Superior, Brazil Santos, Columbia Excelso, Nicaragua SHG EP Momotombo, Papua New Guinea Plantation A HOAC, Ethiopia Yirgacheffe, India Plantation AA, Costa Rica Honey, Brazil Brauna


AeroPress is a new coffee-making invention. The principle is based on the effect of slight pressure through a paper filter. Thanks to this all the active substances contained in the coffee are extracted.

There are two ways to make it, traditional and inverted.

In the traditional method, you insert a rinsed filter paper into a plastic sieve, screw it in and put the AeroPress on top of the vessel you want to extract the coffee into. Tip in 17g of medium-ground coffee. Pour on re-boiled water at a temperature of 93-94°C, stir thoroughly. Fit a rubber end to the piston and slowly press the coffee into a cup.

In the inverted method place the AeroPress on the piston, pour in 17 grams of medium-ground coffee into the upper part. First pour hot water at a temperature of 93-94°C onto the coffee, around ½ the volume. Add the rest of the water from 275ml to just under the rim, let it brew for 60 seconds, screw the plastic sieve with a rinsed filter on. Place the coffee container upside down on the AeroPress and rapidly turn it round. Then push the coffee into a cup in a slow movement.

An air bubble is still present between the piston and the water (this is where the name comes from). Ensure that air does not go through the coffee grounds when pressing the coffee into the vessel. This would put undesirable substances into the coffee.

We recommend trying the following for this form of preparation: El Salvador Santa Barbara Honey, Cuba Serrano Superior, Ethiopia Kaffa, Columbia Supremo, Columbia Excelso, Panama SHB Kotova, Papua New Guinea Plantation A HOAC, Ethiopia Yirgacheffe, Kenya AA Kangocho, Costa Rica Honey, Costa Rica caffeine-free, Bio Peru Echarati, Guatemala Maragogype, Guatemala Antigua, Uganda Bugisu AA, Brazil Brauna.